Mom Finds A John Deere "H" For Dad!

My mother bought my dad a 1940 John Deere H that is in worse shape than your John Deere A. Dad said he would like to have an H John Deere. She found it at this fellow's house where she went and bought some beans. Without dad knowing it, she talked this guy into selling her this H for only $300.00. Then, she had my dad go with her the next time to help pick some beans out of his garden. Then dad finally spotted this H with weeds and pine trees grown up all around it. On the way home she told dad that she had bought it for him, early the next morning we all went up there to drag it out of the woods. It is in pretty good shape, with one brand new tire on the rear. Dad couldn't believe that mom talked this guy into selling her this tractor for only $300.00..... he told her that she did a good job. Then mom came upon another deal and got him a John Deere 40 tractor, which he has now repainted and fixed up real nice. We have since bought a clipper 400 bushhog and a back blade for it. My dad and I have a lot of fun on these old tractors. For my 13th birthday he gave me a little Mighty Might tractor, all we need for it is a coil and it is hard to find. We have it narrowed down to one of three different coils for this 10 hp. Kohler motor. There is nothing I like better than to be working with these old John Deere's. My dad and I have a lot in common, we both like the same things, John Deere is the best tractor ever made in our eyes. We know you will have lots of fun with these old two banger tractors. We sure do.
Jr.hiller - philler @

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